Written by Alyssa Burley.
OpenDSD Logo courtsey of the City of San Diego.
The Development Services Department (DSD) of the City of San Diego recently launched its new web-based Project Tracking System (PTS). The public’s online portal to this system is called OpenDSD.
According to the City’s website, it “is committed to serving the public and improving how information is provided to its citizens.”
Through OpenDSD, the City is able to accomplish this endeavor by provided the public with an unmatched amount of data – more than any other city.1
The public may access a variety of information online including timelines, scope, decisions and costs, for land development permit applications, issuance of permits, inspections and project completions.
The benefits of using the OpenDSD system are numerous for both the community and those directly involved with the project.
Community members and neighbors can get information on past, present and future development, become involved in the development process, research neighborhood construction, and verify/get status on neighborhood code enforcement.1
Screenshot from OpenDSD Login page.
Property/project owners and design professionals can view real-time status of events for their project, monitor inspection activity, confirm development process timelines, confirm the appropriate permits have been pulled, and validate permits when selling property.1
Alyssa Burley is the community outreach and marketing manager for EnviroMINE, Inc.
1City of San Diego. (2014). OpenDSD. Retrieved from: http://www.sandiego.gov/development-services/opendsd/